
It is with great joy that LABRE – Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Rádio Emissão, the oldest amateur radio association in Brazil, on its 90th anniversary in 2024, launches the LABRE-DX Contest.

We invite all Brazilian and foreign amateur radio operators, whether members or not, to participate in this event, which will take place annually on the third weekend of July.

The LABRE-DX Contest, with its innovative rules, was created to foster the interest of the international amateur radio community in seeking contacts with Brazilian stations during the competition period in SSB and CW modes.

To achieve this, a bold set of rules was established, where the final score is multiplied by the sum of the number of different countries and Brazilian states contacted on each band during the competition.

On the innovative side, the highlights include the possibility of self-spotting and differentiated scoring by bands, which encourages participation in 'all bands' categories, resulting in populated bands and ensuring fun for everyone during the competition.

We at LABRE believe and are confident that this event will be a milestone in international competitive amateur radio.

The Organizing Committee